
The Federal Bureau (FB) is composed of 12 elected members:

- A president, who is the president of the winning list and the president of the FTSE.

- A vice-president.

- A treasurer.

- 9 federal members.

The elected members divide the tasks and missions of the Federation.

On September 9, 2024, during the Elective General Assembly, active equestrian sports associations within the Tunisian Federation of Equestrian Sports elected the list of Mr. Mounir ABICHOU for a 4-year term for the period 2024-2028.

The elected Federal Bureau is composed as follows:

  • President: Mr. Mounir ABICHOU
  • Vice President: Mr. Hatem BEN MABROUK
  • Treasurer: Mr. Riadh MEKSI
  • Federal Member: Mr. Maher BERRACHID
  • Federal Member: Dr. Omar TRABELSI
  • Federal Member: Mr. Aymen DAMMAK
  • Federal Member: Mr. Noureddine BAROUDI
  • Federal Member: Ms. Lamia BEN EZZEDDINE
  • Federal Member: Ms. Amal BEN HMIDA
  • Federal Member: Mr. Houssemeddine JBABLI
  • Federal Member: Mr. Faouzi GAZZAH
  • Federal Member: Mr. Fethi FOURATI

Non-elected members of the FB are:

  • Permanent General Secretary: Ms. Basma ARFAOUI

- A Permanent General Secretary, representing the Federation's administrative body, is appointed in coordination with the overseeing ministry and participates in FB meetings without voting rights.

- A Technical Director is appointed by the overseeing Ministry upon the FTSE's proposal, collaborating on all technical aspects of the sports disciplines under the FTSE. The Director participates in FB meetings and has all the rights and powers outlined by Decree No. 552 of June 20, 1977, establishing sports technical departments.

Powers of the Federal Bureau

The FB holds extensive powers to perform or authorize all actions not reserved for the General Assembly (GA) or any other Federation body, which have their own powers as outlined in the statute, and cannot be assumed by the FB.

  • The FB’s decisions and work notes apply to all sports associations affiliated with the Federation.
  • It oversees the management of FB members and has the right to review their actions.
  • It approves the annual accounts.
  • It authorizes the President of the Federation and the Treasurer to make any purchase, sale, or lease.
  • It approves proposals from commissions.
  • It focuses on planning, training, financing, upgrading, developing, evaluating, monitoring, and managing elite and national team matters.
  • It addresses issues concerning Tunisian equestrian sports and the priorities defined by the GA.


1-Manage the federation, direct its affairs, and implement its programs. It is the sole authority authorized to address and deal with international organizations and foreign federations.

2- Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory texts governing the equestrian sports sector in Tunisia.

3- Ensure compliance with the principles of the Olympic Charter and international sports regulations.

4- Address all forms of violence in sports activities, all forms of discrimination, and cyber crimes that could tarnish its activities.

5- Study, monitor, control, and document all management files of the federation and its concerned structures.

6- Organize training sports camps, forums, conferences, and seminars in cooperation with public authorities, national and international sports structures, and specialized national and foreign institutes for the training of managers, coaches, and officials to improve their technical, administrative, and scientific levels.

7- Develop the financial resources of the federation and manage them judiciously.

8- Develop programs for specialization and training of young athletes and monitor their implementation.

9- Prepare and establish a general competition calendar.

10- Inspect the sports facilities of associations affiliated with the federation and monitor this process regularly in coordination with regional and local authorities.

11- Prepare national teams and manage their affairs for different categories and disciplines.

12- Appoint national and regional trainers at both the national and international levels.

13- Monitor the activities of associations and their technical, administrative, and financial behavior.

14- Establish an educational program and health awareness (for both humans and horses) to prevent doping abuse and inform stakeholders, including athletes and coaches, of all legislative and regulatory provisions related to anti-doping in cooperation with the Tunisian National Olympic Committee and the National Anti-Doping Agency.

15- Exercise disciplinary power over all affiliated associations, officials, coaches, athletes, and any person responsible for horses, as well as the public during sports events in accordance with the provisions of this statute and the federation’s regulations.

16- Prepare contracts for programs related to the preparation of national teams and the development of specialization over four years and submit them to the supervisory authority for approval.

17- Conclude program contracts with targeted sports associations in the equestrian disciplines overseen by the federation. These contracts determine the work program and expected objectives.

Functioning of the Federal Bureau

The FB meets periodically, at least once a month, upon convocation by its president, communicated by any means leaving written trace or by email at least three days before the session. A meeting can also be convened if full attendance is confirmed.

FB deliberations are only valid if approved by the majority of members.

The FB makes its decisions after deliberation by a majority vote of the members present, and in case of a tie, the president’s vote prevails.

The FB may also convene urgent meetings at the president's invitation whenever necessary.

All FB decisions are recorded in meeting minutes, which are numbered, dated, and signed by all members present. The minutes specify the names of members present, excused absentees, and unexcused absentees.

Copies of the meeting minutes are sent to the supervising authority.

The services of the FB members and the members of the university associations and committees are free, and they cannot receive any salary or reward of any kind, although they may be reimbursed for travel, accommodation, and other urgent expenses incurred while performing tasks that fall within federal activities and duties.

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