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The FTSE is an association governed by Organic Law No. 95-11 of February 6, 1995. It was created on October 12, 1964, and its headquarters are located at 62 Avenue de l'UMA, Nesma Building, Apartment...
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Presentation The Federal Bureau (FB) is supported by commissions, whose roles, responsibilities, and operating conditions it defines. These commissions are responsible for assisting the FB in the func...
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Composition The Federal Bureau (FB) is composed of 12 elected members: - A president, who is the president of the winning list and the president of the FTSE. - A vice-president. - A treasurer. - 9 fed...
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Its history Founded in 1961 by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Tunisian Federation of Equestrian Sports and Shooting (F.T.S.E.T.) quickly grew to promote equestrian sports in Tunisia through the...
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Through its member associations, the missions of the FTSE focus on: 1.Equestrian Sporting Activities Organize, develop, and increase the practice of equestrian sports, defend its interests, manage its...
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La FTSE est une association régie par la Loi organique n°95-11 du 6 février 1995, elle a été créée le 12 octobre 1964, son siège social est situé au 62, Avenue de l'UMA, Immeuble Nesma, Appartement 2...
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Présentation Le Bureau Fédérales (BF) est secondé par des commissions dont il fixe les rôles, les attributions et les conditions de fonctionnement. Ces commissions sont chargées d’assister le BF dans...
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Composition Le BF se compose de 12 membres élus: - un président qui est le président de la liste gagnante et est le président de la FTSE. - un vice-président - un trésorier - 9 membres fédéraux Les me...